Meet Scott
The picture above is my airplane. It's a highly-modified Beechcraft 1900D. It's actually a simulator... my house. (I have the most understanding wife ever) The Beech Project started way back in 1997 when first got into building aircraft simulators. This one wasn't always a Beech 1900D. It started as a generic corporate jet, then quickly followed by a Boeing 777. The 777 hung around for years but flying from point A to point B with 5 or more hours between A & B, got boring. Interspersed in all those years was a Diamond DA40 mockup and an F-16. The Beech 1900D is my favorite and will be around for a long time. I usually do 1 or 2 short hops around Western Washington before shutting it down for the night. <TL:DR> I'm Scott So if you have an airplane and you would like a part-time professional photo-guy to slog out in the rain and wind to get some awesome shots of your bird, let me know because I'm that guy. I don't charge for my work anymore. I just enjoy slogging around in the rain and getting great shots of incredible airplanes.